

Occurring or picked by chance; random; accidental.


A congruent fact is that this corresponding light spot must have been powered up sometime around the time of the forementioned visit to the cellar. One evening I was passing this inherited map hanging in my library. That's when I fortuitously noticed the dim glow on it, so the exact dating of the luminescence's start cannot be precisely retrospected.
—How did you rule out
aleatory coincidence?
—I didn't. It could have been a non-causative concurrence
. (Context: It was discovered that a boy named Bruno had entered Mr∙ Grosman's cellar at about the time when Dr∙ Barton's map started to show a glowing spot on precisely the same address. The question is whether such co-occurrence was a causative coincidence or just a random confluence of mutually unrelated events with similar timing. Source: J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.)


Slovak / Slovenčina (SK): náhodný

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