

Plural: embroilments

A lengthy or intricate political or interpersonal conflict; a confusing situation; the state of being involved in something; involvement; enmeshment.


There was no more need for igniter cords, flints, and tinderboxes; the era of pouring gunpowder directly into the gunmuzzle was coming to an end. The new gunshells were conveniently fired from simple and inexpensive modern-style guns, even including purse handguns. Their prevailing use, therefore, was in light parlour shooting, such as minor nobility embroilments or salon sharpshooter competitions. (Context: Dr∙ Barton describes the history of firearm improvements. This explainer is important in resolving the cases of mysterious shooting incidents under his current investigation. Source: J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.)


Slovak / Slovenčina (SK): konflikt; ťahanice; potýčka; šarvátka

Czech / Čeština (CZ): konflikt

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