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Words Explainer




In a manner showing an innocent-looking or saint-like face.



Plural:   samovars

A self-cooking pot typical for Russia to prepare tea and keep it warm.  Samovars are typically highly decorated metallic tabletop barrels with an ornamental spigot / tap near the bottom, and with a small fire pit under the bottom (or with electrically heated bottoms in modern models).



Having superior skills and knowledge, mainly in practical matters;  savvy.


—Only the noble Mr∙ Savvinous can solve this roomlocked mystery!—  sobbed the old woman with a full nose and hastily began to rummage in her black handbag.  Hubert politely offered her a napkin, but she merely wrinkled her nose and fished out a roll of linen wrapped in wire.  —Since then, not a foot stepped inside.—  she assured the Doctor as she set to unwrapping the rag package...  (Context:  A visiting old lady introduces a new case to Dr∙ Barton in her rural language, calling him flatteringly "Mr∙ Savvinous", thus adding urgency to her begging.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 



(abbreviation)   Student Dormitories and Eateries.



Plural:   sederunts 
Misspelled forms:   sede runt, sede runts 

Meeting;  long committee sitting;  prolonged session or discussion.


The imitation of poor computer skills and widespread administrative sloppiness resulted in a bus label looking like this:

              labour Union
      inerant ,sede runt 

instead of the correct form:

Labour Union
Itinerant Sederunt.

(Dr∙ Barton and Hubert need to park their bus near a village where they want to investigate a shooting mystery.  To look inconspicuous, they label the front window to seem that some union representatives are attending a remote session.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 


Slovak / Slovenčina (SK):   zasadanie;  zasadnutie;  výjazdné zasadnutie

Czech / Čeština (CZ):   zasedání;  zasednutí



Plural:   semo-dumplings

Dumplings made of or with rough flour / semolina;  semolina dumplings;  semo-gnocchi;  manna croup noodles.


Semo-dumplings contain no in-dough cowmilk.  They suit those with relevant allergies and dairy sugar restrictions (lactose intolerance).  (Source: J∙ Okram - Semolina Dumplings for Soups  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Plural:   semo-gnocchi

Gnocchi made of or with rough flour / semolina;  semolina dumplings;  manna croup noodles.


This adds up to 25 minutes for gnocchi-making alone.  How on Earth could Dr∙ Barton conjure up a full-flavoured chicken soup with his semo-gnocchi from tap water and frozen fillets in a comparable amount of time??  (Source: J∙ Okram - Semolina Dumplings for Soups  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Plural:   serments 

Oath;  a formal solemn promise.


—All right, dear Hubert.  Let us come to the point.  To be clear, and truth to be told, tonight's undertaking has in fact nothing to do with the serment in Azure Minaret.  In the present matter, you are not bound by the oath you took.  (Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 


Czech / Čeština (CZ):  přísaha
Slovak / Slovenčina (SK):  prísaha



Plural:   shamesties 

Shameful situation;  shame;  embarrassment.


The professorial room would deserve he, verily, there are all those connexions therein.  The transmitters and othersome eletrics.  I must tidy it up, oyoy...  I will get right on it tomorrow.  Oyoyoyyyy, if I had only known a day afore!  What a shamesty!  What a shamesty...  (Context:  A visiting family will be spending a night unexpectedly on 5 Misty Road.  Grandma Estela prepares rooms for them, frustrated that she did not have enough upfront time to do it properly.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 



Plural:   sheetpans

A shallow tray for baking or drying foods in an oven;  sheet pan;  baking tray.


Adorable non-fried analogues can be hand-shaped on sheetpans or in big braziers.  Begrease their upper outsides with a mist or droplets of oil, and broil uncovered at 180 °C (356 °F;  proximately half the maximum of an ordinary uncalibrated gas oven) for plus/minus 90 minutes (with one midtime upside-down turn if possible)(Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Plural:   shellrocks 

Something unknown and mysterious, referred to in secret passphrases of unclear origins;  most likely some specific mineral or stone.


Hubert turned slowly:
—That's right, and that's the way Shaab wishes it.
—Until the Timestop comes.
—Until the agefulness of the Shellrocks  takes place and until the Markword starts to shine.
—The Omnibook shall be the Sign to you.—  finished Doctor Barton the exchange of conspiratorial rejoinders.  (Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 



Plural:   shortlivednesses

The property characterised by short existence or poor durability;  perishability;  ephemerality;  transience;  impermanence;  transitoriness;  fleetingness.


The disadvantage of the scorch-based protective coverage is its functional shortlivedness:  The nonadhesivity can disappear as rapidly as in two to seven days of non-use(Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Plural:   signaries

A system, list or lexicon of all characters or other symbols in a given language or ancient script;  alphabet;  abecedary.


—What does the secret scripture say?—  Bruno wondered about the black drawing.
—Huhh...  I wish I knew.  But I don't think it's writing.  Not in the sense of letters of an abecedary or signary.  Most likely, we are looking at pictograms.  (Context:  Dr∙ Barton and his aides are trying to interpret a mysterious sign that appeared on a walled-off door of a haunted house's secret room.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 



Infinitive:  siliconise (UK)  /  siliconize (US)
3rd personsiliconises (UK)  /  siliconizes (US)
Presentsiliconising (UK)  /  siliconizing (US)
Gerundsiliconising (UK)  /  siliconizing (US)
Pastsiliconised (UK)  /  siliconized (US)
Perfectsiliconised (UK)  /  siliconized (US)

To supplement with the plastic named silicone or to cover in silicone.  Especially:  To add an anti-adhesive silicone coating when producing nonstick frying pans.


Summary:  The lighter subvarieties (no pork bellies and/or no oil in the batter mix) and the dry-fried variations necessitate the topmost quality anti-adhesive dreampans (Teflonised, siliconised, durable Delimano enamels, etc∙).  Elsewise, our frycakes will cling and overburn(Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Plural:   Sixothrees
Alternatives:   Six-O-Three,  Six-O-Threes

A communist aerodynamically shaped presidential limousine, brand name Tatra 603.


No sooner had Bruno stepped out into the street than two filthy Six-O-Threes came scooting past.  (Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 


Slovak / Slovenčina (SK):   šesťstotrojka

Czech / Čeština (CZ):   šestsettrojka



Plural:   sleeprooms

A bedroom.


This will be the sleeproom parentical.  Just temporary.  Because dignified it is not, for a scholar distinguished, to aberthe in an ordinary bedroom!  (Context:  A visiting family will be spending a night unexpectedly on 5 Misty Road.  Grandma Estela prepares rooms for them, frustrated that she did not have enough upfront time to do it properly.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 


Slovak / Slovenčina (SK):  spálňa;  (arch∙) spáleň



In a slowed-down manner;  less quickly;  more slowly.


With trying the following connoisseur's delight-augmenting knack, the finished flatbread cools quicker, releases more fragrances, and its crustified casing wilts slowedly:  Split the double-crusted disc horizontally into two thinner "semi-pancakes".  This can be conveniently done with two forks...  (Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



In a manner or state causing or deserving sadness or regret;  deplorably;  regrettably;  terribly.


An equally unpromising habit is proving to be the inverse extreme:  Leaving pans in a sorrowworthily deplorable state of dirtiness(Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Infinitive:   squange
3rd person:   squanges
Gerund:   squanging
Present:   squanging
Past:   squanged
Perfect:   squanged

To make a metallic sound with or as if with tin sheets bent.


Plom - plam, came a tinny sound from near the Doctor.  He was twisting in his hands a box of the hostess's documents:
—The thin metal is flexing loudly.  Also, my fingers scraped and tapped against the bottom several times.
—It wasn't the box squanging.—  Bruno opposed it. 
—Seemed like some whistling in the distance or other noises from outside.—  Hubert summed up the general observations.  All but the landlady agreed with this explanation:
—It was him!  Now he will prove himself to you!
—Who, dear lady?
—Hellsman...!  (Context:  An unknown sound surprised Dr∙ Barton's aides exploring a haunted house.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 


Slovak / Slovenčina (SK):   kvindžať

Czech / Čeština (CZ):   kvindžet



Plural:   squeezeboxes 

1.  A musical instrument with a fan-folded zigzagged air bag characteristic of the accordion family.

2.  Figuratively, any object or shape resembling the unique appearance of accordions (for example, z-foldable doors, buses or trains with ruffled interconnecting segments, air-blowing devices, etc⋅).  Specifically:  An articulated bus comprising two or more rigid sections linked by a pivoting joint (articulation) enclosed by protective bellows inside and outside and a cover plate on the floor;  banana bus;  bendy bus;  tandem bus;  vestibule bus;  wiggle wagon;  stretch bus;  accordion bus.


Bruno scouted out a suitable bench and looked forward to the squeezebox-like bus's next expectable circus schtick.  (Context:  A long bendy bus has destroyed flowers in front of the school.  Bruno seats himself on a bench, wanting to see what is coming next.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 



Not being sticky;  nonstick / non-stick;  nonadhesive / non-adhesive;  antiadhesive / anti-adhesive.


A well-maintained overlayer of periodically re-smoothed polymerate evolves a partial repulsive capacity of approx∙ one-third level of a good-quality stickinessless pan (equivalent to a year-old Teflonette deployed daily)(Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Plural:   stickproofnesses

The quality of being nonstick / antiadhesive / inert;  nonstickiness.


Because polished rustproof, enamel, aluminium, or whichever similar sort of cheap-pan surface is not compatible with stickproofness(Source: J∙ Okram - Bartonian Potato Pancakes  ●  Cooking Recipe.) 



Plural:   sutures 

1.  A surgically made stitch or sewn seam, a fibre used for it, or a process of doing it.

2.  Anatomical connections of bones resembling seams, such as in the skull.


Infinitive:  suture
3rd personsutures

To surgically saw together.


If I stabbed someone in the abdomen with that kitchen knife and then stitched up the wound, they might fall into shock from the pain I caused - and perhaps even die on the spot.  However, the story would be very different if I had first put them under anaesthesia.  After cutting open their tummy and suturing it up the same way, they would only suffer minor post-operative discomfort.  The injury would be comparably damageous, but their overall condition should be more or less fine.  (Context:  Dr∙ Barton compares the outcomes of physical injuries with and without the influence of nerve-blocking medicines.  He uses this analogy before going to compare somatic and mental traumas, including the role of neuro-psychiatric medications in healing.  Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 



Plural:   swellprideries 

An excessive pride;  chauvinism;  showinism;  inflatedness.


—Still, can't he admit even to a small mistake?—  Mam was getting disillusioned.  —He so unflaggingly gives an impression of a staid earnest man...
—You know our Hubert.  Don't you see how unwaveringly he tries to playact and comport himself?
—Men's swellpridery, it is.—  particularised Grandma tellingly, leaning towards Mam.  (Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 



Plural:   swingresses 

A node on the inner side of a key's handle, preventing the key from hanging vertically;  bow bump.


It is not a random protrusion or adornment.  It is called a swingress and has a precise function.  While all ordinary keys will hang perpendicular to the ground on a bundle ring, swingress-equipped keys will undeviatably veer asymmetrically and incline to a slanted position.  (Source:  J∙ Okram - The Mystery of the Rammed Key.) 


Slovak / Slovenčina (SK):   vratlík

Czech / Čeština (CZ):   vratlík

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Julion Okram's Word Explainer is a concise dictionary of uncommon, less standard and expert words appearing in mystery thrillers and science fiction adventures.  It contains little-known or fictional geographical names, scientific terms, slang, professional jargons, archaisms, dialects, neologisms, composite expressions, etc⋅.  Find word definitions, alternative meanings, occasional notes about etymology and stems, and story-related contextual remarks.  The entire vocabulary is searchable online.  Readers wishing to go offline or have a printed reference at hand can download this full glossary as a wordbook in PDF format.